

I have been too busy to update this legacy space. Seriously, who has a personal website nowadays...give it a will come back around...
Still, nowadays:
are my primary posting spots.


Not quite 90 days mark far...

The most stressful day at the new job doesn't even come close to the daily stress of the old, there's that.


Photo taken from:
41°37'01.1"N 122°12'05.7"W


A beautiful drive from my home this morning. I watched an inspiring sunrise unfold, after dodging through some icy and snowy bits of HWY 97, and this  view was the icing on the cake. Also...that's the small flag, not the one mentioned below...

"In 1996 Dorris Lions Club dedicated the “America’s Tallest Flagpole” honoring all veterans. The 30’X60” flag flying at the top of the 200’ pole is a testament not only to the patriotism of this community it also represents the spirit and pride of a small American town.

The Little League Complex, the Library, the New Centennial History/Sculpture Wall is another example of the volunteerism and 'spirit' of this community."

Dorris, CA


I’m happy to share that today is my first day in my new position as Sales Engineer at Cal-Ore Communications (!


123 days unemployed,
I have learned a lot,
And it has been an incredible time of
Rest and Reflection...
And some anxious moments... 😀.
Tomorrow is a New Day,
A New Chapter,
And one I am very excited for!


Today was an excellent day. And, when a few more pass, I can tell you why.

Thank You for your patience...


Ok, now it's a "home office."


All systems go! It will be a week or so while we get the paperwork sorted, but I should be back to work, on a contract basis, by sometime next week! Looking forward to seeing what this next chapter brings, regardless of how long it turns out to be.


I needed to take a few minutes and get focused this morning. I'm Ok for most of the day, but for some reason, the first few minutes after I wake up, before my brain is 100% online, the anxiety is palpable.

Started taping stuff to the wall (I have a 4' x 3' magnetic whiteboard on the way). The top one is these five scriptures.

Philippians 4:19: And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7: do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Proverbs 10:22: The blessing of the LORD makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.

2 Corinthians 9:8: And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.

Jeremiah 17:7-8: Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green,and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.


Back to "school," this week via LinkedIn Learning. Prior to embarking on this career transition I signed up for a year of LinkedIn Premium. The additional features have been useful.

I took some down time this past weekend, and had a great time with some family and friends around a campfire.


So, the Information Technology Business Analyst gig is a thing now, maybe. It's only a short-term contract, but it is a start. I have one more meeting, on 10/31, with the client. I have partnered with a local company for the administrative aspects. I have watched far too many talented IT professionals step out on their own and get overwhelmed by the back office stuff.


I have already learned so much from this career transition. It is simultaneously exhilarating and terrifying.

I have been exploring what it would mean to be an "Information Technology Business Analyst," and I still may have an opportunity to test that out. Additionally,  I have been scouring the WWW...well, I guess we just say "the internet" now...for the next opportunity to serve and earn an income. 

I still get up before the 6am alarm, usually around 5ish. And start my day in my home office at 8ish. And I still start the day with the three podcasts that were the foundation of my morning commute:

Headline News from The Associated Press
Start Here,  ABC News
The Ten Minute Bible Hour Podcast

As I said, in the initial post to this blog, "It may go may go horribly...we shall see."


Autumn has settled in. First batch of leaves in the compost bins. The rosemary seems to be enjoying these cooler temperatures too!

The first new employment possibility did not work out as I had hoped. Still, there is some opportunity there if I am willing to go into business for myself, and create a consultancy. Leaves me with a lot to think about this weekend.

Photos from 10.9.2023 and 10.12.2023 (I took the one of the compost bins mainly to monitor their progress.
I am trying this stuff this year, "GREEN PIG Compost Accelerator," and not solely because the name makes me chuckle:


My heart is breaking for the state of our world today.

This is one, of many, who stopped by today to perch in the maple trees and visit the birdfeeder. As the leaves fall, I can't help but wonder where we're bound.

I Can't Help but Wonder Where I'm Bound, Tom Paxton, 1964


When the anxiety of this new adventure threatens to overwhelm me, I share it all with Him, and trust.

Psalm 95:1-2
Oh come, let us sing to the LORD;
let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving;
let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!

Colossians 3:16
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.


Medium quality office chair, purchased in September of 2021:

Upgraded the wheels to protect the cork floors in my home office:

And added one of these:

The original gas lift cylinder has been failing for several months. I tried a few things I found online, then just purchased this:

A five-minute job, today, far...the chair is holding.



Yeah, 5th & 20th for so many years...


Ok, then...on to the next...


Some very cool things are in progress! While I wait to see how those things shake out, I'm working in the home office and watching inspiring and fun builds on YouTube! These are excellent!


I took a "three-day weekend," if you get to call it that when you are unemployed, and stayed away from screens as much as possible. Now that I'm recharged, it's time to start this job search in earnest.

Day 1 of ?...9.30.2023

Career Transition...LinkedIn won't let me post that until tomorrow, but that's where I'm at.

It has been awhile since I have been in this situation. This should be interesting.

The photo is from 7.2.2017. An epic (for me, I don't use that word lightly) backpacking trip with my brother and some friends. One of my favorite experiences/memories. I packed too heavy, the hike in was rough, but I caught one of the best fish of my life, and I learned a lot.

The journey ahead, the hike in, may be rough...but I've done it before.

7:45am...My office has been vandalized! 😀

12:30(ish)pm... Second party! They brought in party platters of Mexican food from Casa Ramos...I didn't even know you could order party platters from Casa Ramos...I see more of these in my future! Also, sent home with lots of leftovers! Excellent!

3:00(ish)pm... I had to clean-up the  "vandalism." The smell of the balloons was starting to give me a headache... Also, I always spend the last 15-30 minutes of a Friday cleaning my office. So today shouldn't be different. It's a habit I picked up in my Army and scene shop days, and it has served me well over the years.

4:58pm... In the car and on the way home...hey, I got there at 7:47 this morning...they got their 8 hours... (I was salaried...😉...hmm, now that's weird to say...). I got a little choked up on several of the goodbyes...had to make a break for it...

6:15pm.. Beautiful rain shower and a beautiful rainbow! (Genesis 9:13-16).

There were lots of great conversations with colleagues throughout the day, and a beautiful sunrise to start the day. I don't know what the future holds, but I will be forever grateful for the time I spent with this company. Thank You!

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

(traditional gaelic blessing)

Day 9047...9.28.2023

The eve of the final day at the company I have worked at for 9047 days...
They hosted a going away party tonight, at one of my favorite local venues. Good folks, good beer, good food... Feeling blessed.

The photo is from 9.22.2022

Day 9046...9.27.2023


The photo is from 8.26.2020

Day 9045...9.26.2023

Ten years ago, today...
I will have to check the email archives to find out what had me on the road in our service territory.* Glad I snapped a few photos though!

* Karuk Tribal Council Meeting, Orleans, CA
The photo is from 9.26.2013

Day 9044...9.25.2023

This week...oof...things are a bit busy...

Awhile back...somewhere between 6th-8th grades...I was portraying Bob Hope in what I think was my first public performance. I went to the library, got a bunch of books, tried to understand the character...

We encountered some issues during the performance...and I remember stepping out in front of the gymnasium audience and saying, "We are experiencing technical difficulties, Please Stand By." And It Killed! 😉 😀

And, for a chapter in my life, I was hooked.

In that chapter, I added this credit to my Vita (a.k.a. "Curriculum Vitae") - a list of things that no one outside of academia, and most inside, do not care about, but that you have to prepare for an MA (or at least I did): 

"The Bob Hope Show,  USO (in association with the Department of Defense),  Eskan Village,  Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, "Winter" 1990.  Stagehand."

Yes, while deployed, I got to work The Bob Hope Show! I Loved every minute of it.

Day 9043...9.24.2023

The wildfire smoke has been oppressive over the last two days.

Day 9042...9.23.2023

Day 9042 (I am reminded..."DON'T PANIC!") AND the first day of Autumn!

The photo is from 11.5.2022. Looking forward to this!

Day 9041...9.22.2023

I had a truly excellent day at the office today. A full day of  transition planning and excellent conversations!

I found this photo in my collection and chose to share it with this post, because the calm, confident posture of the eagle...above the "High Voltage", personally, inspiring.

The photo is from  12.12.2021.

Day 9040...9.21.2023

On the list of home projects I still need to complete. Looking forward to playing with this tech, just haven't had the time.

Day 9039...9.20.2023

A beautiful Fall day in Siskiyou! Crisp, cool, clear air and beautiful views!
The calendar says we are a few days out...pfft...

Day 9038...9.19.2023

Running Debian, in Windows 10, (back in the day, I never thought THAT would happen...) on an old MSI GE60 Apache Pro-003 15.6-Inch Laptop that I keep around because it has all of the interfaces. It was once my gaming system and my home entertainment system. It has reached the last of its Windows 10 "Feature Updates," but all the rest keep rolling in, so I'll run it like this until they stop, then I'll fully convert it to Linux and run it until it dies. My main workstation is Windows 11, and I Love it, has a Linux distro, or two, on it as well.

As I type this, I am reminded of the time we left a much older laptop in service, because it was "the only way," that the customer could access their paging system. It died...fantastically...much like the The Wonderful 'One-Hoss-Shay'..."All at once, and nothing first,—Just as bubbles do when they burst"...the hard drive shattered into tiny bits...I kept it around for awhile...labeled as the "IT Maraca!"

Replaced it with a $100.00 serial-to-Ethernet adapter from StarTech... 

Day 9037...9.18.2023

This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.
John 16:33

Photo taken on my way to work this morning.

Day 9036...9.17.2023

I took this photo on 2.6.2022, on my way to visit some friends at their ranch in Grenada, CA. I love this county, and its people.

Day 9035...9.16.2023

I have not camped enough this year.

Day 9034...9.15.2023

Check the Expiration Date for Your At-Home COVID-19 Test

"The FDA may have extended the expiration date of your at-home COVID-19 test. Find out if your test has a new expiration date."

If your test kits are not listed in the main article, these were not, follow the "Check the FDA's complete list" link at the bottom of this page.

I bought a couple of new ones BEFORE this research...just to be sure...Oof! 

I took one on Wednesday afternoon and one this morning, and both are negative. I think I'm just dealing with one of my annual September sinus infections that got out of hand. And I could have saved myself some $$$ with a little research.


Not a good time to get sick. Stupid bugs!

I always seem to catch one in September.

Day 9032...9.13.2023

The Road Not Taken
Robert Frost,  1915
" published in The Atlantic Monthly in August 1915 and used as the opening poem of his collection Mountain Interval (1916)."

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference.

Interesting article:
"The poem isn’t a salute to can-do individualism; it’s a commentary on the self-deception we practice when constructing the story of our own lives. 'The Road Not Taken' may be, as the critic Frank Lentricchia memorably put it, 'the best example in all of American poetry of a wolf in sheep’s clothing.' But we could go further: It may be the best example in all of American culture of a wolf in sheep’s clothing."

Day 9031...9.12.2023

Season of change.

Day 9030...9.11.2023

My Mom shared this bit of insight with me today, "you are the same age I was when this happened"...
Oof...yeah, time is a thing.

I was thinking...22 years...what is the percentage of active duty servicemembers that were born after 9/11/2001?

"According to DOD statistics, as of July 11, 2023, there are 333,874 currently serving military members of all branches (including National Guard and reserves) who were born after 9/11. That number comprises more than 14% of the total force. "

Day 9029...9.10.2023

Today, I am so very thankful for the love and support of family and friends - the ones who know, know. Honestly, this path is equally exhilarating and terrifying.

I took this photo on a recent business trip. Beneath these clouds, are lots of other folks, walking around this little blue-green planet, who are dealing with life issues much more challenging than mine.

Day 9028...9.9.2023

Saturday, and I really should be working on planning, etc., but I'm taking a self-care day and just puttering around the house. Puttering is underappreciated, in my opinion. It's one of my favorite things.

Day 9027...9.8.2023

Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. (Matthew 6:34, ESV)

Whew! This day had plenty of its own trouble.
Still, all alarms clear, eventually.
And these were cleared rather quickly.
And, no, I'm not at all anxious about tomorrow...I don't know why you would think that.

Day 9026...9.7.2023

I try to take a few minutes every morning to step out in the backyard and greet the day. The photo does not do it justice, this morning was spectacular!

Day 9025...9.6.2023

Nothing to report. Busy day at the office, which is the reason why I had to leap before I had a landing pad, in case you were wondering. There was never going to be a "good time."

Oh, all photos here will be original - copyright is a thing, people. This one is of the new workstation I put in my home office in January.

New Paths...9.5.2023

9,024 days ago, 12/21/1998, I first stepped into the office of my current employer. This morning, I resigned from my current position there to seek new opportunities. My last day will be 9/29 (9048 days).

The company has been good to me over the years, but I am at a place in my life now where I need to find a more focused opportunity.

Autumn is coming...9.4.2023

Autumn, Fall, is my favorite season of the year. I always associate September with the beginning of the school year. The first day of school always filled me with excitement, a bit of anxiety, and hope.

Every year, as the leaves begin to change, and the trees shed their old growth in preparation for their new one, I am uplifted. This year, this Fall, I am stepping out on faith, stepping into that uplift, letting the old leaves  go, and making a major life change.

It may go may go horribly...we shall see. I have that first day of school feeling - and tomorrow starts my journey.